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Coaches Faith Corner

As we so often teach our athletes on our team to run with "HEART".... by cultivating an atmophere of putting ourselves (our will) last and to concentrate on our reason or meaning behind our training and competition create within ourselves  mentality which is outside of ourselves  (outside of our ego)..and to train or compete for another person or cause other than ourselves...we in doing so live out the concept of HEART. in relation to this, I can see no other season on the Christian calendar that exemplifies this philosophy in the most perfect way than "holy Cross" and the lifting up of that cross in our own  lives and in particular our own hearts or affection which communicates this philosophy called "Heart”…. 


The concept of heart at its highest is an expression of the story of the cross and of our savior and of the spiritual significance of that event. ThIs is when God are savior in the flesh, died  on that Cross demonstrating the perfect act of love and sacrifice.  And,in a state of humility, not only did he condescend his own will for the benefits of others by becoming like us , even taking on our flesh an our human experience and lowly state, but in addition, even tolerating the pain, loneliness, sorrow and suffering associated with. Ultimately  resulting  in his own death upon that cursed tree and all  in the name of LOVE - in the name of Heart, So, we are also called to assimilate our lives to that example by likewise  taking up our cross , denying ourselves and always thinking of our neighbor first.


When our coaches volunteers and parents express this concept in our interactions with each other and our athletes compete with this mentality of self sacrifice, putting themselves second and love of Neighbor First …. we find Victory in the cross and it’s hard for a team with this type of philosophy to be beat by competitors who participate on a lower plain.


Moreover, this mentality of putting the cross in the middle of our heart is what is the secret of success of our beloved team and organization.  we always look at the cross as our example of our savior and as the symbol of how we should live our life.


May the Lord save us and keep us


God bless all of our athletes and their families


Fr. Michael Polycarp. Job 9
(Aka Coach Ryan)

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